High School Bethune
The BETHUNE LEARNING COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL offers a day and residential all male public school with a student-teacher ratio of 8:1:1. Each class has a teacher and teacher associate. The School provides a comprehensive educational program in accordance with the Regulations of the New York State Education Department. Instruction is based on New York State Standards and on students’ Individual Education Plans (IEP). The school year is extended to include a thirty-day summer program for all students. Students are prepared to become critical thinkers as well as self-confident, respectful, responsible, independent learners and citizens. A specially trained and certified instructional staff employs a multitude of strategies and materials to teach students.
Special subjects, such as art, music, physical education, health, Spanish and technology are part of the program. This program allows teachers to meet the students’ academic, social and emotional needs. Families are an integral part of the school. Parents are invited to visit the school whenever they wish to meet with teachers, administrators and to observe their children in class. Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is our behavior management program that establishes a common language in the school of Respect, Responsibility and Safety. The students are rewarded for displaying positive character traits throughout the school day. Students are provided with a quality education where diversity, creativity, mutual respect and self-esteem are emphasized and cultivated. A collaborative partnership exists among students, educators, parents, and the community. Successes are measured not only by students’ test scores but by who they become and the real life experience they gain at Greenburgh Eleven. The academic program prepares students to graduate with a High School Diploma. More information regarding specialized program options, work based learning and credit recovery options can be found at the Career and College information site: http://greenburgh-11-union-free-sd.echalksites.com/college_and_career_center
The Bethune Learning Community is committed to nurturing, developing, and igniting the hearts and the minds of our students to prepare them for adult life, career and post high school education.
Dr. Robert Chakar (914) 693-8500, Ext. 296