Current Families

Students use internet resources

A Message To Parents, Guardians, and Extended Family Members

Dear Parents, Guardians, Extended Family, and Caregivers;

We recognize that parenting in today’s complex world presents a myriad of challenges. Keeping your child safe and on the right path is a monumental task, particularly given the constant exposure to technology, various temptations, and an array of influences from multiple directions. While it’s impossible to supervise your child every moment, we want to assure you that we’re here to be an extended support system for your family.

We feel honored that you’ve chosen our school to participate in your child’s academic and personal development. Our committed staff is eager to reinforce the family values you instill at home as we help guide your child toward adulthood. Open communication between home and school is crucial for this journey to be successful. Therefore, we’re committed to regular and meaningful interactions with you.

Parent Portal:
Within our dedicated parent portal, you’ll find announcements and invitations to schedule events aimed at engaging you in your child’s educational journey. Whether you’re able to visit us in person or prefer virtual attendance through platforms like Zoom or FaceTime, we encourage your active participation. Rest assured, we’re always just a phone call or email away to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns you may have.

Virtual Parent Meeting
To kick off the new school year, we’re hosting a virtual parent meeting in October, 2023. To participate, all you’ll need is a computer, tablet, or smartphone with the Zoom application installed. This interactive session will offer you a comprehensive overview of our programs and an opportunity to ask questions directly to the staff.

Ongoing Engagement
Following our initial virtual meeting, we’re planning bi-monthly evening events to update you on programs, share news, and listen to your input. Additionally, we invite you to join our Parent Teacher Student Organization. In collaboration with our Foundation, we’re excited to host fundraisers to further enhance the educational experiences available to our children
By joining hands as committed partners, we believe we can collaboratively nurture, educate, and pave new avenues of opportunity for your child’s future.
Thank you for entrusting us with this vital role. We look forward to a fulfilling and productive partnership with you.

Warm Regards,
Winsome Gregory, Ed.D
Superintendent of Schools 

Active Parent Engagement

We value your input!  It is very important that you reach out to us to communicate with your teachers, clinicians and administration.  In the Staff Directory, you will find your child's teacher's name, email and phone #.  Please call us or write an email.  Here is the link to our  Staff Directory

Spring Concert

Covid Notice

A Good Night's Sleep is important

Sleep is very important in everyone’s routine and a part of a healthy lifestyle. Research tells us that children  who regularly sleep well  have improved attention, behavior, learning, memory, and overall mental and physical health. If children don't get enough sleep, it can lead to high blood pressure, obesity and even depression.

For more information: 

Importance of a good night's sleep

Homework Help

Your child will be coming home with homework during the school week.  Here is a link to some tips to make it easier for you to support your child.  Homework is meant to reinforce the classroom work that they are doing.  Go through your child's bookbag every day to make sure you know what they are studying.  

Tips on Homework Help

FAQs : Frequently Asked Questions

Please help by letting us know what other questions you have about our programs and services.  Here are some FAQs to start with! 

How do I know if school is closed?

The school calendar is posted on this site. 

If there is snow or inclement weather causing a delay or school closing,  announcements will be made on News 12 Westchester TV, WABC TV, WCBS TV, WHUD Radio 100.7 FM, WNBC TV, and WNYW TV.

Is there a dress code for students?

Collared “golf” shirt with Khaki/Chino/Docker style pants is recommended.

What do I do if I want to visit the school?

 Please contact Dr. Rolon, at the principal’s office ext. 242 to make arrangements to visit the campus and school.

What do I do if my child is going to be absent?

Please call the school office at ext. 242 between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., if your child is going to be absent.

Do I have to send lunch in with my child?

Breakfast and lunch are provided by Greenburgh Eleven under the reduced/no cost Federal Meal Program.  Please contact the CSE office at Ext. 384 for an application.

Internet Safety

The internet is offers an amazing store of information and exciting things to learn about.  However, the internet can also be a dangerous place for young people to "hang out".  Try to stay on top of the sites your child visits.  Sometimes, social media can be cruel and cyberbullying can have a very serious impact on your child.  Check out who their friends are on line.  Sometimes adults can pretend to be a friend.  We try to teach our students to be responsible citizens on line.  

Here is a link to more information that may help you.  Internet safety

If you suspect something is wrong on line or your child tells you about being bullied, get in touch with us right away.  We will help you and your child. 

Secretary of Education Cardona's Priorities

Visit the College and Career Center

For information about NYS graduation requirements please visit the College And Career Center 

Information about Graduation Requirements