District Announcements
Greenburgh Eleven Union Free School District
Our New Initiatives
Read 180 - A blended learning approach to reading instruction and intervention. The Read 180 program incorporates exciting digital media with traditional instruction to ensure that each student learns to read at their own pace.
Math 180 - Math 180® is a revolutionary math intervention program for students that focuses on deep understanding and mastery of the essential skills and concepts necessary to unlock algebra and advanced mathematics.
STEM Space - STEM space activities help children develop skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity by incorporating science, technology, engineering and mathematics in exciting new ways.
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Character Counts Breakfast
Each homeroom teacher selected one student they have recognized as having “outstanding character,” honesty, and integrity, in the spirit of Dr. King. In his 1963 “I have a Dream” speech Dr. King emphasized not being judged by the color of one’s skin, but the content of their character. A special breakfast was held in their honor.
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Breakfast of Excellence
The Greenburgh Eleven Community celebrated our scholars with a Breakfast of Excellence. Students with an overall GPA above 85 were rewarded with a much-deserved breakfast. Congratulations to all of the recipients.
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Middle School Graduation
🎓 Congratulations to the Middle School Class of 2024 🎓
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Congratulations to the Class of 2024
Congratulations to our exceptional graduates of Greenburgh Eleven! Each student represents dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence. As they embark on their next journey, we celebrate their achievements and look forward to seeing their continued success in the future. Here's to the Class of 2024!
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New Emphasis on Literacy
We understand that every child's educational journey is unique, especially when faced with challenges like learning disabilities and emotional or behavioral difficulties. This year, we are thrilled to announce our strengthened commitment to fostering a nurturing learning environment that puts your child's literacy at the forefront of our mission. Recognizing that the foundation of academic success lies in strong reading skills, we have invested significantly in specialized reading support, particularly for students who are struggling or have dyslexia. We've expanded our team by hiring additional reading instructors and trained them in multisensory approaches to reading that address the individual needs of each student. Rest assured, we are fully committed to working with you, the parents, and caregivers to unlock your child's full potential and open doors to a brighter future. We believe that every child has the ability to succeed, and together, we'll make that belief a reality.
Greenburgh Eleven Union Free School District
District Events
Autism Awareness Day
Wear Blue!
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Career Fair
Grades 8-12
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MS Field Trip
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Bethune Multi-Purpose Room
Board of Education Meeting
Board of Education Meeting Calendar -
Faculty Meeting
Greenburgh Eleven Union Free School District